Here are some frequently asked questions:

Who is Western Grain Dryer Inc.?
The name “Western Grain Dryer” is known far beyond Canada as an experienced, innovator, designer and manufacturer of new grain dryers. At the same time, we provide a comprehensive service to existing owners of Vertec and IBEC models of non-screen grain dryers for preventative maintenance, troubleshooting, repair and upgrading.

How has Western Grain Dryer Inc. performed its duties standing out from its competitors?
Western Grain Dryer, has a history of more than six thousand projects, an unmatched accumulation of experience and commitment to continual technical advancement in this field. Western Grain Dryer Inc. provides extra care for our patrons by providing customer service second to none in  North America, and our customers reward us by helping spread word for our products and services. When one client purchased a dryer, updated its component or had their technical problems solved, their acquaintances and friends want the same or better products from Western Grain Dryer Inc. For example, most Western Grain's advertising was through word-of-mouth. Western Grain Dryer Inc. manufactures designer grain dryers. There are always some designer features in the dryers to satisfy our customer's needs. We listen to our customers and work with them to constantly improve drying technology.

What is the advantage of Western Grain compared to other non-screen dryer manufacturers?
Western Grain Dryer designs and manufactures the most energy efficient grain dryers in the world with automatic grain drying and moisture control system; for example, one of Canadian farmer reported energy costs was three cents per bushel, which includes both natural gas and electricity consumption; another Canadian farmer stated energy cost was nine cents per bushel includes both propane and electricity consumption; following one of each from the harvest of 2014 and 2015 as results of purchase of two high capacity “Western Grain Dryer”.

What are the advantages of Western Grain dryers compared to Screen grain dryers?
Screen dryers are limited by the size of the mesh. The mesh must be appropriate for the size of the seeds being dried. If the mesh is too large for the seeds, the seeds will pass through it. If the mesh is too small, seeds will collect and thereby reduce airflow and dryer efficiency. Changing screens for various commodities is labour intensive and does not cost effectively. Keeping screens clean can be a challenge, particularly in winter when they become clogged with ice and snow. Chaffy commodities may be unsuitable for drying in screen dryer because chaff can build up on the screens, restricting airflow. Screen dryers also require thorough cleaning between commodities to prevent carry-over from one seed category to the next.

A Western Grain dryer is a multi-purpose grain dryer, it can dry small seeds and large grain within the same dryer; it provides flexibility for both users. Fuel cost is lower compared to screen grain dryers without resistance of airflow by a screen. Less horsepower is required because the continuous flow design eliminates stops and starts. Western Grain dryers have maximum air flow without any possibility of plugged screens. Continuous flow non-screen dryers are clearly superior, leading to our policy of minimum involvement with screen type dryers.

Who are our customers?
We serve a wide range of customers such as farmers, commercial grain companies, food processors and University research centers. Our global diversification gives us the opportunity to select the best in technology and customer service protocols, regardless of the state of agriculture or current conditions in various regions. Our customers include Viterra, Richardson Pioneer, Parrish & Heimbecker, Cargill, Agro Source, Belle Pulse, University of Manitoba Research Center, in addition to thousands of farmers and organizations for whom commodity drying is a vital component of their activities.

Who are our industry partners?
To serve such a widespread customer base, we maintain close relationships with sub-contractors, dealers and agents, component manufacturers and governmental international trade representatives. We also partner with financial institutions, international buyers, grain producers, grain terminals and food manufacturers.

What is our commitment?
Our continual investment in research and development also involves strong ties with universities, engineering firms and users who share with us a commitment to ongoing improvement in grain drying technology.

What is the temperature range of Western Grain dryers?
An owner of Western Grain dryer can choose to dry in high or low temperatures; it depends on the dryers' capacity and grains. In favour of maximum capacity, set it for the recommended maximum temperature. For maximum grain quality, set it for the minimum within the temperature range.

How does Western Grain dryers' function?
Western Grain dryers are easier to operate than screen grain dryers. Its streamlined shape makes easier maintenance. The dryer is quieter operation by the use of centrifugal fans. Grain dryers are easy shipping, assembly, installation and system expansion due to its modular design. Standard belts, motors and other components make for easy replacements. Adjustable cooling easily converts to all heat drying conditions. Galvanized construction assures longevity and higher residual value of dryer than screen dryer. Following are some other features and benefits:

Features Benefits
Duct type design (no screen) No screens to leak, plug, contaminate or hold seeds
No drying front Avoids over-drying or under-drying
Future expansion Dryer can be expanded with extra drying layers
Instant clean-out Prevents contamination
Dries all grains Can provide highest quality drying for canola, flax, wheat, barley, corn, sunflower, rice, peas, beans etc.
Innovated Maxon Burner Provides even hot air distribution with maximum fuel efficiency
Custom-designed control panel Basic automation or PLC
Built to last/few moving parts Highest quality of grain dryers in the market, certified by Canadian Standard Association
Even and gentle drying No kernel damage

How does using a Western Grain dryer preserve grain quality?
Western Grain dryers provide even heat, no drying front, which leads to a better quality of grain than the screen grain dryer. Fewer stress cracks because the longer retention time removes moisture more gently, resulting in better dry bushel weights. Most grain elevators are using Western Grain duct-design dryers. Drying is best when grain moves constantly through a dryer against a current of hot air. Each kernel receives the same treatment and grain dries evenly.

What are some of the components included in the grain dryer?
Industrial Maxon Burner
Leveling auger or gravity fill
Full cover roof and catwalk
Automatic or digital grain drying or moisture control system, a stand-alone unit which consist of controls for wet leg, dry leg, all dryer functions, input accommodations for wet bin empty, discharge plugged, dry leg plugged and optional automatic moisture controller with touch screen.

Why should you purchase a Western Grain dryer?

Recent natural disasters worldwide have caused storm damage and flooded acres, reminding us the importance of the immediate availability of grain drying equipment. Dryers have following most important benefits:

Generate More Revenue: Save Time and Effort:
Prevent loss from inability to germinate, inclement weather and reduce in quality. Extends available harvest period.
Sell grain at the right time at the right price. Make an earlier harvest possible
Drying tough or damp grain can reduce or eliminate spoilage in storage.  
May improve market grade and acceptability of grain.  
May afford alternative market outlets for grain.  

One Canadian farmer reported a saving almost a million dollars following the harvest of 2004 as a result of a recent purchase of a dryer from Western Grain Dryer Inc.

How long does it take to dry grain?
Grain drying time depends on the size and efficiency of the dryer, the moisture content of the grain and the volume or weight of grain, temperature of the grain to be dried.

What are the main questions to ask before deciding on purchasing a dryer?
Who is the manufacturer of the grain dryer? How long has a manufacturer been designing and building grain dryers? Is the manufacturer financially sound, or has it changed ownership recently or constantly? How many projects has a manufacturer been involved with?

Some of the other basic questions that should be asked about the dryer:
(1) air flow (2) type of burner (3) fuel consumption (4) drying capacity per hour at what moisture level for what type of grain (5) dryer types: batch or continuous flow, screen or non-screen (6) dryer reliability and manufacturer's service record (7) Maintenance costs (8) dryer controls (9) dryer residual value (10) regulatory considerations

What information does customer may consider before purchasing any grain dryers?
• Western Grain Dryer Inc. has engineered, manufactured, updated and repaired more grain dryers than any other competitor in North America.
• Western Grain Dryer Inc. reserves the rights to provide any technical support of competitors’ grain dryers except Western Grain’s own brand.
• Customers who purchase Western Grain dryers will automatically be on our priority list for technical support.

How much drying can be expected with aeration?
The primary purpose for aeration is to reach or maintain a fairly uniform grain temperature throughout the bin to prevent moisture accumulation. Aeration is not a grain drying system and should not be considered for drying purposes. Some drying can occur in aeration systems, but generally grain going into aeration bins should be within about 1% of being dry enough for long-term storage.

96 Main Street East, Box 366, Elie, MB R0H 0H0
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