Western Grain Dryer Inc. would like to introduce a multi-purpose grain dryer model WG1608E, a specialized design grain dryer for farmers in mind.
96 Main Street East, Box 366, Elie, MB R0H 0H0
Toll-free: 1-888-288-6857 • email: info@westerngraindryer.com • www.westerngraindryer.com

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Most energy efficient grain dryer in the market: Utilize industrial, environment friendly Maxon burner for energy savings.
Highest quality of grain: Continuous flow grain dryer prevents over or under drying, maintain high dry grain per bushel weight during drying process
Easy maintenance: No screen to plug, all components are industrial standard.
Continuous flow grain dryer manufactured from galvanized steel to prevent rust and corrosion
Full-cover roof, catwalk, safety cage for easy and safe maintenance
High capacity, rust free aluminum meter rolls
Meter drags to prevent stress cracks during discharge grain process
Incorporate sensors and timers to prevent overfilling of grain, discharge plug and stop dryer when low grain in the dryer occurs.
Capable of drying and cooling with one layer of cooling
Bottom clean out doors with effortless access to prevent contamination
Easy shipping, set-up and commissioning of grain dryer
CSA certified grain dryer
1) Relay/digital control panel
2) Side fan design with one fan for heating and cooling
3) Level auger roof and catwalk
4) Meter drags discharge
5) Safety cage
6) One safety platform
7) Clean out doors levers
8) Heating and cooling capability
9) Industrial Maxon burner
10) Dryer full sensor and lower timer
11) Starters for one wet and one dry
Measurement:   Drying layer 16 feet, total dryer height 25 feet, total dryer length 23 feet, dryer width 8 feet 2 inches.
Estimated drying and one layer of cooling capacity (bushel per hour):
Wheat 19-14% 700 I Soybeans 18-14% 705 I Canola 15-10% 595 I Corn 20.5-15.5% 540
*All estimated capacity is vary with variety, grade, contamination, maturity, and test weight, drying temperature etc.
1) Additional starters for wet fill & dry discharge
2) Auto moisture controller
3) Gravity fill roof and catwalk
4) Discharge drag extension
5) Safety platform, stairs and hand rails
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